Most Useful Vi Text Editor Commands

Vi editor, which is short for Visual Editor, is the default Text Editor that comes with the majority of Linux distributions. Vi text editor is available in the majority of the commercial and open-source versions of Linux Distributions. Once you learn this text editor, you can use it in many Linux distributions. Commands used in Vi editor are case-sensitive. This blog post will show you the most useful Vi Text Editor Commands that one can use while writing a bash script.

Operation Modes

Vi editor has mainly two types of operation modes.

  • Command Mode

Vi editor beings in command mode and only understands commands. In this mode, we can move the cursor to the point where text deletion and pasting occur.

  • Insert Mode

This mode is used for entering text in the file and can be invoked from the command mode by pressing i on the keyboard. Once we are in insert mode, any key from the keyboard would be taken as an input for the file which is being currently edited.

If we want to switch to command mode and save the changes, we can press ESC key and press wq! and ENTER key.

Starting the Vi Text Editor

To use vi editors on a file, type in vi filename. If this file already exists, then a screen will appear on that file. If this file does not exist, then an empty file and screen would be created which can be used to edit text.


vi -r <FILE_NAME>

Here -r option means that we are trying to recover the File Name when the System is Crashed.

Vi New File

Closing and Savings Files using the Editor

When we are using vi editor to edit a file, we are editing the copy of the file rather than the original itself. Once editing is finished, we can either quit without saving or quit with saving edits.

Press the ESC to go to the command mode. When you type a colon, the cursor moves to the bottom of the screen whenever a colon (:) is typed. This type of command is completed by hitting the <Return> (or <Enter>) key.

Quitting and Saving a File with Edit

Once we go to the command mode, we can press SHIFT & Colon : key to enter the below commands.

:wIt saves the file but does not quit. One needs to do this periodically to save a file as a preventive measure.
:qIt will exit the editor without any Warning
wqIt will save the edit to the file and quit the editor

An alternative way to save an edit is using the ZZ Key which is in uppercase.

Vi Save File

Quitting without Saving Edits

Sometimes, we might do a mistake and need to quit without saving any edits in the file. We can achieve this by using the below commands.

:e!It resets the file to its original content so that it can be started all over again
:q!It clears all the edits and exits the Vi Editor

Parameters in Vi

These parameters can be used in the command mode after using the Colon : key.

:set listIt shows Invisible Characters
:set nolistIt does not show Invisible Characters
:set numberIt shows line numbers
:set nonumberIt does not show line numbers
:set showmatchShow matching sets of parentheses as they are typed
:set noshowmatchIt turns off showmatch
:set showmodeIt displays mode on the last line of the screen
:set noshowmodeIt turns off showmode
:set allIt shows values of all possible parameters
:set autoindentIt indents after carriage return
:set noautoindentTurn off auto-indent

Deleting the content with vi or Vim editor

In the command mode after using the Colon : key. We can use the :%d command to delete all the contents

Here % means all the lines and d means delete

Cursor Movement in Vi Editor

We can use the below key for moving the cursor in Vi Editor.

hMove Left
jMove Down
kMove Up
lMove Right
0(Zero) Starts of the Line
$End of the Line
^the first non-blank character of the line