Programming Languages

Before we learn about programming languages, we need to understand first about programming.

What is Programming?

Programming is a process in which computing problems are converted into an executable computer program. In this process, we analyze, understand the problems, and gather requirements to solve those problems. Once this is done, we develop algorithms that are correctly implemented and use the computing resources properly. This development of algorithms or code is implemented using a language called a programming language. In this blog post, we will go over the different programming languages, their uses, and their popularity in the current market.

Types of Programming Language

There are three types of programming language, namely Machine, Assembly, and High-Level language

Machine Language

Machine Language is a low-level programming language that is easily understood by computers. They are closely related to the structure of a particular machine, which makes it machine-dependent. Programs written in one machine language might not run on the other computer that uses a different machine language. These programs are instructions for a computer to perform different operations

A machine language consists of a String of numbers that are combinations of 0’s and 1’s. This makes it difficult for a person to read and understand it.

Assembly Language

In assembly language, statements are readable and low-level instructions that translate to machine-level instructions. So, they are representations of machine language. Statements written using assembly language for one machine are not portable on another machine.

High-Level Language

High-level programming languages are readable and portable languages that are the most popular nowadays.

Programs written in a high-level language are that are either compiled/interpreted/translated into machine language statements so that the computer can execute them. Examples of this language are Java, C++, and Scala.

There are four types of high-level language.

  • Functional Language
  • Procedural Language
  • Object-Oriented Programming Language
  • Logic Programming Language

Most Popular Programming Language

Below are lists of the most popular programming languages nowadays that are being used by top companies like Google, Amazon, AWS, Twitter, and Microsoft.

  • Java
  • Scala
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Closure
  • Golang