Exploring the Power of Serverless Architecture: Advantages and Benefits

Within the last decade, serverless architecture has gained significant popularity among technological companies. With its promise of reduced infrastructure management, cost-effectiveness, and scalability, serverless architecture is revolutionizing how development teams build and deploy applications. In this blog post, we will dive into what serverless architecture is, its advantages, and the various use cases it is suitable for.

What is Serverless architecture?

Serverless architecture is a cloud computing-based model in which developers can focus on writing the code without the need to manage the underlying servers or infrastructure. In this design, the cloud provider is responsible for provisioning the servers, scaling them when needed, and maintaining them. It works on a pay-as-you-go model, where developers concentrate on building the application logic and pay for the actual compute resources consumed by one application.

Advantages of Serverless Architecture:

There are many advantages of using Serverless Architecture. The following are the important ones.

  • Cost Efficiency

Traditional server-based architecture has many resources provisioned that stay idle even though there is less or no traffic. In contrast, in serverless architecture, one pays for the actual execution time of the function or services, leading to cost savings. Companies adopting serverless platforms don’t have to manage the infrastructure like provisioning, updating operating systems, and managing network configurations.

  • Scalable, Elastic, and Highly Available

Cloud Providers like Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google, Oracle, and IBM handle scaling the hardware resources depending on the application needs or incoming requests. They make sure that applications running on their cloud can handle high traffic loads without manual intervention, and have built-in high availability by distributing it across various availability zones. They can scale up or down elastically as needed with no downtime. This provides flexibility to applications to scale seamlessly, ensuring optimal resource utilization and cost efficiency.

  • Faster Time to Market

Using serverless architecture enables rapid development cycles as management is servers and another infrastructure is eliminated. Using this model, developers can focus on the development of the core business logic, and functionality of the application, solve business problems and build robust and innovative applications. This results in a shorter software development life cycle(SDLC) time. This enables the faster shipment of products to market and provides a competitive edge against the competitors in today’s fast pace digital world.

Companies using Serverless Architecture

Serverless applications can be utilized in various scenarios across various verticals like telecom, finance, social media, gaming websites, etc. Below are some different organizations that have serverless architectures.

  • Netflix
  • T-Mobile
  • Coca-Cola
  • Nordstrom
  • Zalora
  • Code-Pen


In this blog post, we learned about what serverless is, its advantages, and different companies using serverless architecture.